Gun Milan Is Not Real Matchmaking

If you are seeking for Gun Milan, many free resources are available on the internet. Many software’s are available for matchmaking but the question arise, which one is better site for matchmaking? Which website provide best matchmaking for free? The answer is “No One” Because Gun Milan is not real matchmaking. How? let’s know.
Does Gun Milan Matters?
I have analyzed most celebrities horoscopes for my knowledge purpose. This research was essential because people often marry whether horoscope matches or not. The lover boy girls just ignore matchmaking points because they just want to listen positive. So I thought celebrities would be best example to check that really Gun Milan matters or not.
There are celebrities who had less than 15 Gun matches but their married life is quite ok. The first and top most example in the list is Amitabh Bacchan and Jaya Bacchan’s horoscopes.
Gun Milan Points below 18
If we closely look into their horoscopes, only 12 Gun Matches out of 36. As per Vedic Astrology there are 18 Gun / Koot must match and less than 18 does not considered good for married life. In Koot Milan if Nadi Dosha and Bhakoot Dosha exist, pandit’s just deny the marriage and do not analyze horoscope further.
The situation mark questions on astrology when there is someone living a good married life who had less than 18 Gun matches and marriage was not suggested by astrologers. The astrologer’s should study further whether there are enough points for Gun Milan (Matchmaking) or not.
A rule of astrology is called as Pariharam in such situation. Pariharam is a combination of planets which generate meaningful reasons for happy married life. For example if Mars is in 1,4,7,8,12th house of horoscope, this becomes Manglik Yog but if Saturn is also in 1,4,7,8,12th house of horoscope, Manglik Yog does not affect married life. This is Pariharam by Saturn. Like this if you are Manglik and your partner have strong benefic planet in 7th house, that is also a Pariharam. If Pariharam is exist, marriage is considerable in matchmaking.
Amitabh Bacchan and Jaya Bacchan both have Pariharam in their horoscopes. 1st Pariharam is in Amitabh’s Horoscope that is Saturn in 4th house. 2nd is strongest Sun (The lord of 7th house) and the 3rd Pariharam is 7th house surrounded by benefic planets that is called Shubh Kartari Yoga.
On the other hand Jaya Bacchan’s Horoscope also have several Pariharam. Jupiter of its own house in 7th, Mars with Saturn, Venus alone in 12th and Gaja Kesari Yoga from 7th house.
These things cannot be ignored and always acceptable in the terms of Matchmaking.
Just write your story in the form below and get detailed horoscope matching by date of birth and time. Leave everything else to me. If there are chances of your marriage, I will surely give you the reason for marriage.
shilpi · April 22, 2016 at 12:05 pm
in which year will i get married?
dob 11/7/1989
time 9:00a.m
place delhi
Pooja · April 4, 2017 at 10:52 am
My Dob 8/6/1995 05.30pm in karnataka… When I get married. And in same cast or intercast…
creativehelper · April 5, 2017 at 6:39 am
send the correct birth place
creativehelper · April 5, 2017 at 11:34 am
What is city of birth
R. Kshirsagar · June 10, 2017 at 10:19 am
Helle. My deatils are DOB 28/06/1989 time 10.24 AM Place pune.
I am talking to a boy details DoB 10/07/1988 time 8.21PM place Mumbai. there is 23 points in match making but bhukut is showing 0..and we like each other..should we go ahead or not? Please help me
creativehelper · July 7, 2017 at 9:36 am
For the above question,you need to have our paid service.Then only we can answer your queries.
Palak · July 3, 2017 at 11:33 am
when will I get married n to who?
date 15/04/89
time 9.24pm
place kolkata, india
creativehelper · July 7, 2017 at 8:41 am
You will get married soon but there are some obstacles in your marriage.We can give a marriage report with all the details.For that,you need to pay rs.551 for the same.
creativehelper · July 7, 2017 at 6:11 am
please send kme your birth details.
Sagar Pradhan · October 8, 2017 at 11:29 am
Sir ,
My name Sagar Pradhan and I want to marry a girl name puja but our match making point is 12 I want correct explanation from you whether we should marry or not ..
SHYAM SUNDER GROVER · December 28, 2017 at 6:50 pm
General question please reply. When we are getting maximum gun milan say 28/36 except nari 0/8. Or lack of bhakoot or Gana.
Without which we can proceed further?
creativehelper · December 30, 2017 at 6:45 am
Please send birth details of both
Sarita Mohanty · November 27, 2017 at 3:58 pm
Place-angul odisha
Marriage kis sal kis mahine me hohi
Khushdeep Kaur · December 25, 2017 at 1:18 pm
I want to know when I get a good job and about happy marriage life. What I need to pay please send details on my email address.
creativehelper · December 28, 2017 at 7:45 am
I have sent u mail
Himanshu Garg · January 2, 2018 at 4:15 pm
hi, i’m Himanshu Garg DOB:- 30 april 1994 time 10:05 PM and my match made DOB:- 8 jan 1996 time:- 04:23 AM so as or gun score 11.5 so is there any why to get married?? Please help me out
Himanshu Garg · January 2, 2018 at 4:18 pm
name is Archana Singh. And there is any way to resolve this issue
creativehelper · January 3, 2018 at 7:23 am
What are birth places of both of you?
Why you met - Horoscope, Nadi Dosha, Kundali Matching by Ashok Prajapati · October 8, 2017 at 7:51 am
[…] If you have less than 18 points in gun milan. […]
Remarrige as per astrology | Quick Horoscope Matching · October 8, 2017 at 9:03 am
[…] an astrologer I read horoscopes every day. I match horoscopes and create predictions. I do gun milan and interpret what would happen if you marry with the girl you are looking for. But sometimes it is […]