Gun Milan by Name

Gun Milan by name really works when you and your partner have compatible name with each other. I want to show you how the thing works in gun milan by name but before that you must understand the basic rules for gun Milan by name.
Behind every letter of your name there is a zodiac sign. Here is the Rashi Table (Zodiac sign by character & name) for your convenience. With the help of this table you can determine your Rashi or your Zodiac sign by your name’s first letter.

All Zodiac Signs are compatible or incompatible to each other. For Example the Aries and Taurus are each other’s enemy. The Gun Milan score depends upon the parameter of zodiac sign’s compatibility.
In case you have your date of birth & time you can request a free horoscope analysis to know your marriage prediction for free.
Why the date of birth gives a more accurate prediction
Sometimes we have our date of birth only which is not useful if you want your horoscope reading with full accuracy. Because the time of birth is important to prepare a horoscope. But anyways if you don’t have your time of birth you can just send whatever you have for prediction.
How to predict about partner by date of birth only
Your date of birth can provide at least position of all planets of horoscope. The ascendant is the key for accurate prediction which is based on time of birth.
In one day there are 12 ascendants & one is relates to you. In such situation we can analyse your horoscope by your moon sign. Moon sign is very important if you want to know your Rashifal or Varshfal (predictions based on current planets in the sky).
How can we help
We can definitely help if you have your date of birth only. Just fill the form below to get an answer from our side. Whatever you know just fill in the form. And also wait for our reply.
Know when you will get married this year or Next year. Free Marriage Prediction.