Horoscope Matching Aries VS Aquarius

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Aquarius natives are ruled by Saturn. They love their own independence and don’t like to be obstructed or interfered in their thoughts or actions. One of their traits that does not resonate well with Aries natives is their thanklessness attitude. Aquarians can only enjoy the liberty of independence in their lives if their Aries partner is inclusive and accommodating enough. Though it is a rarity as Aries persons like to wield their own swords, with impulse, dominance and fervour.
Aquarius natives are not really appreciative of the domineering attitude of Aries persons, but, to avoid the chances of direct conflict with them, they do not speak up about their true thoughts about them. One day or the other, they will however vent up all their frustration, potentially leading to chaotic outcomes.
The working strategy of Aquarians is a well plotted one. They tend to project them in the impression of always being overburdened with work, while the truth is that to evade doing the work, they scattered it to impart the impression of gruesome burden of work been assigned to them. Aquarians excel in managing the affairs of budgets and financial modelling, which is a positive trait for a married couple to run the house with prosperity, peace and harmony.
Aquarians value family devotion and essence of responsibility in a stellar standard. Aries, on the contrary, operate in a different manner, and their methods are more mechanized, like conducting a business. Kundali matching shows that Aquarius natives are not outspoken and explicit in nature. They do not generally vocalize their inner feelings as they are afraid, or may be critical, of any bitter words directed toward them.
This relationship dwells on the neutral zone in which neither much fondness, nor much enmity exists between the spouses. In case, Aquarius natives come under positive influence of Aries, Sagittarius, or Leo, the marriage will sustain, otherwise not. If either Aries or Aquarius individual gets positive aspect or energy from Mercury, chances of a viable and lively marital relationship will enhance by leaps and bounds.