Horoscope Matching Aries VS Pisces

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Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and has watery nature. Pisces natives are obedient, servile and easily allow themselves to be dominated. They are not like Sagittarius natives who resist any sort of oppression and express their anguish at any such attempt. Due to their soft nature, Pisces individuals feel more at home when dominated. It is almost like the pulp of their existential nature to serve others.
Pisces natives easily surrender themselves to the wills and wishes of others, no matter how vicious they are. Just like an organ as soft as a tongue resides in between the buy assembly of sharp and strong teeth, and remains unhurt, Pisces individuals also survive in the company of those totally opposite to them, without meddling in their affairs. Pisces natives are programmed by the planets to bear the burden of oppressive and dominating relationship without expressing any agony or anguish.
Kundali matching bestows the knowledge that Pisces natives can develop the feelings of love, affection and attraction with the natives of Cancer or Scorpio only. With Aries natives, who are more cerebral than Pisces, they will keep infusing the nectar of life in the marital relationship even in the absence of heart-felt affection toward them. Pisces see themselves as complementary to their counterparts, just like spokes of a wheel feel toward the wheel itself. They understand the vitality of their humble nature in such relationship, and are obeisant in their attitude, assuming the passive role of a caring partner, thus easing the path of the marriage.