Horoscope Matching Aries VS Sagittarius

Published by Ashok Prajapati on

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Horoscope matching of Aries with Sagittarius natives shows the marital compatibility to be almost on the same existential plane of reality as with Leo natives.

Sagittarius natives are generally vocal, expressive and opinionated in nature. They prove to be good subordinates or co-workers, and their mutual chemistry with the Aries natives is good. Aries natives are adept at employing strategies and tactics to get the work done from others. It is not possible for anyone to get a work done by Sagittarius natives by the use of coercive actions or application of force or issue of threats.

Aries persons would get their work done by Sagittarius by making them feel that only they had the ability to do the work.

Sagittarius natives are strongly attached to their independence. They don’t hide their preference to independence, and make this very fact clear by their sheer attitude, behaviour, body language, and expression of thoughts. When Aries natives cooperate with the slightly different thought dynamics of Sagittarius, the relationship becomes a source of mutual amity and attraction. More so, Lord of Sagittarius is Jupiter, and Lord of Aries is Mars, both being in a mutually friendly relationship, thus enhancing the chances of a cordial and understanding relationship.

Sagittarius and Aries natives, both, don’t admire company of deceptive people, get their tasks accomplished with a sense of dynamism, and are prompt in their undertakings. While both the natives are eager and early to start any work, Sagittarius natives finish the tasks due to their inherent dedication to the finality of the task, a trait that is lacked in Aries natives.

Synergistic behaviour of husband and wife helps is sustenance of marriage. If work left incomplete by one of the spouses is undertaken by the other spouse, and carefully completed, this attitude would help not just sustain, but replenish the relationship of marriage.

Both the natives are under the influence of fire element, hence tend to become angry, impulsive and aggressive. Horoscope matching displays that in case one of the natives comes under influence of Moon or Jupiter, the sustenance of marriage could be everlasting, without any hindrances. On the contrary, if influenced by Mercury or Venus, it could spell doom, akin to the unfortunate condition of mixing salt with milk.



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