Horoscope Matching Aries VS Scorpio

Published by Ashok Prajapati on

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While Aries natives are sensitive, ambitious, noble-thinkers, straightforward in life, and go-getters, Scorpio natives are generally affected with a certain biased and degraded sense of thinking, malicious agendas, and inclination toward scheming and plotting. Both don’t interfere in each other’s matters. Aries natives are capable of passing the most gruesome orders, but their heart may remain very pure, ready to pardon the guilty with no keeping of grudges.

Both belong to fire element and get provoked even on trivial matters. Mars rules both the signs, but the essential nature of the natives differ because of nature of houses, and their position in the kundali of Kalpurusha. There are equal chances of the relationship to survive or sink. Aries natives are large-hearted and will not hesitate to forgive their enemies; on the other hand, Scorpio natives preserve the grudges and spew the venom at an opportune time.

If kundali matching reveals Aries to be influenced by Moon, Jupiter, Venus or Mercury, chances of survival of marital relationship would gain high hopes. Scorpio natives are already under the influence of Moon element because of the watery nature of the sign, hence the reigns of viability of marriage are mostly held in the hands of Aries native, as far as the influence of Moon, Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is concerned.



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