Horoscope Matching by date of birth 1
Your horoscope matching by date of birth can be very good with some specific people. In the series of article, I will tell you some very mysterious astrology rules that you may not find in any book or on the internet for free. Yes, it’s necessary to know these simple rules how the date of birth works for your horoscope matching & how to do horoscope match by date of birth with accuracy. I will tell you many more things related to horoscope matching but let’s understand the big basics first.
Horoscope matching basics by date of birth
Your horoscope has nine planets in which the seven are considered main planets. Rest of two are not considered usually when they match horoscope by date of birth method. But we shall consider all nine planets because our experience says rest two planets are a major planet when it comes to relationship & love, affection. These two are Rahu & Ketu.
In the present article let’s start from date 1 of any month. If your date of birth is 1st of any month how will be your compatibility/matching. We shall also consider the enemies & friendly date of birth people for the date of birth 1.
Let’s understand how your matching will be done if you are born on 1st of any month.
1st of any month born people compatibility
Lord of your date of birth is Sun. Those people are most compatible with you who listen to what you say. Those listeners are most compatible with you who are not how you are by nature. And they are born on 3, 12, 21 & 30 of any months. Yes, you are right they are fully compatible with you in terms of horoscope matching.
Most incompatible people for you
Your horoscope matching may be very unfavorable if you marry a person whose date of birth is not compatible with you. These people are the same who have an attitude like you. Who keep their benefits & interest above you. They consider their parents more respectful than your parents. They are born on 6, 10, 15, 24, 28 dates of any months.
Most Compatible people for you
There will be some people in the world who will accept your subordination immediately. Such people can be compatible with you but not helpful because they will get your support and they will depend on you. On the contrary, you cannot expect the same from them. You can not take any important suggestions. Will not be able to take opinion from them before taking any important decision because they will be dependent upon you and they are born on 2, 5, 11, 14, 20, 23, 29 dates of birth people.
Critical matches for you
Let’s talk about those people whose date of birth matches well with yours but they bring challenges for you. I am talking about the people who can refuse to obey you at a stage. They will show the behavior of equality. They will not work under your directions. Obviously, you are away from such people. I am talking about born on the dates 9, 18, 27 of any months.
Send your birth details for analysis
Your date of birth can tell to whom your horoscope will match. If you follow the above terms you indubitably you can get an estimation to whom you have to marry. If you want to know deeper in this regard use the form below & expect not only your horoscope matching but also you can know all about your marriage prediction.