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Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and has watery nature. Pisces natives are obedient, servile and easily allow themselves to be dominated. They are not like Sagittarius natives who resist any sort of oppression and express their anguish at any such attempt. Due to their soft nature, Pisces individuals feel more Read more…
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Aquarius natives are ruled by Saturn. They love their own independence and don’t like to be obstructed or interfered in their thoughts or actions. One of their traits that does not resonate well with Aries natives is their thanklessness attitude. Aquarians can only enjoy the liberty of independence in their Read more…
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Aries natives are friendly, courageous, love to lead from the front, but do not trust others or rely on other easily. Capricorn natives, ruled by Saturn, on the other hand are friendly in nature, and tend to be inclusive in attitude, assimilating everyone that comes across their paths in benignity. Read more…
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Horoscope matching of Aries with Sagittarius natives shows the marital compatibility to be almost on the same existential plane of reality as with Leo natives. Sagittarius natives are generally vocal, expressive and opinionated in nature. They prove to be good subordinates or co-workers, and their mutual chemistry with the Aries Read more…
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While Aries natives are sensitive, ambitious, noble-thinkers, straightforward in life, and go-getters, Scorpio natives are generally affected with a certain biased and degraded sense of thinking, malicious agendas, and inclination toward scheming and plotting. Both don’t interfere in each other’s matters. Aries natives are capable of passing the most gruesome Read more…
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Libra natives are ruled by Venus, and Aries natives have Mars as the Lord of their sign. Both have overlapping attitudes and outlooks of independence, determination, discipline, and are open minded. Aries natives believe in impulsive, but clear speech. They do not hesitate to put their thoughts in words and Read more…
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Virgo natives are ruled by Mercury, and Mars natives are ruled by Mars. There exists practically no chemistry of friendly relationship between them, as Mars and Mercury are mutual enemies. Aries natives represent flamboyance, style, extravagance and determination of supreme level, whereas Virgo natives are all about absolute simplicity, grounded Read more…
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Aries natives are ruled by Mars, the planet of raw impulse, strength, primordial energy and aggression. On the other hand, Cancer natives are ruled my Moon, hence are emotional in nature, their thoughts remain in the state of constant movement, just like tides and ripples of an ocean. Aries natives Read more…
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In this post I will explain if Aries and Gemini married together what will happen. How will be horoscope matching and compatibility, the chemistry between these two signs. Before I tell you anything the most important thing is here… The horoscope matching is always dependent upon your name in your Read more…
People born under Aries sign are quite aggressive and they are very much passionate. While these traits are desirable, Aries people witness considerable fluctuations in their behavior. At a particular moment, they have too much passion to achieve their goal, and after some time, they lose their zeal to pursue Read more…
Aries Ascendant – Nature & Personality I have observed that Aries are ambitious. You will find them always in search of high rank target. To keep themselves busy is their nature. Aries don’t tolerate the interference of anyone in their work. They always ready to play the role of leader Read more…