What you can do to avoid divorce or separation
Divorce is a very unpleasant situation for married life. No one wants his / her marriage to break up and divorce. Through this article, I will tell you about the planetary conditions that cause divorce-like situations in someone’s life. Some planetary positions in the horoscope are responsible for divorce or separation. If we take measures to reduce or eliminate the inauspicious effects of planets, we can definitely avoid a situation like divorce.
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Now the question arises that how will we do this work. Because in order to perform the remedy, you must have accurate information about which planet is giving inauspicious results.
There are twelve houses in a horoscope and the seventh house of these represents marriage. The influence of inauspicious and sinful planets on this house affects marital happiness. Sun, Rahu, Ketu and the lord planets of Twelfth house create divorce or separation like conditions in the life. The reason for this is that these planets have considered as separatist planets. Their presence in the seventh house creates conditions for separation from the marriage. Apart from this, the presence of Mars in the seventh-place creates Manglik dosha. You are all familiar with Manglik Dosh. If the lord of the seventh house sits in the eighth house in the horoscope, then it is a very clear sign of divorce or separation.
Remedy to avoid divorce
Once you have recognized the problem then it would not be difficult to resolve the problem. You may avoid unpleasant situations such as divorce or separation easily if you know the reason behind the problem at the right time. As a remedy, Mantra and Gemstones have seen very effective.
Each planet has a special mantra. By chanting if you prove that mantra, then the inauspicious effects of that planet will reduce. You will easily overcome the situation like divorce or separation.
You must have heard about gems. These gemstones contain miraculous qualities. Their benefits start immediately after wearing. Suppose your marital life is in crisis due to the planet Sun and a situation like divorce or separation are arising. At such a time, you can reduce the inauspicious effects of the Sun by wearing the gemstone of the Sun on the appropriate Muhurta and save your marriage from breaking up.
Other Remedies to avoid Separation or Break up
If separation is to happen you can do some remedies to avoid it. Most of the time the Rahu becomes a reason for your break up or separation because it is too much separative planet. You can try this remedy because it works well. When you see a dog who is hungry or helpless try to help with your best. After some times you will see a natural affection with the animals & not for just one, take care of others as well.
By the time you will see changes in your life.
Get personalized remedies
Apart from mantras and gems, there are many other remedies that you can use to reduce the inauspicious effects of planets and easily avoid separation in marital life. These remedies we provide according to the position of the planets in the horoscope. It is not necessary that the remedy given to one person will be effective for another person. So if you are also suffering from any serious problem in married life then do not hesitate to contact us. We will provide you the solution as per your requirement.